BankFind Suite: API Documentation
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FDIC’s application programming interface (API) lets developers access FDIC’s publically available bank data. This portal provides a complete API solution for building applications using this data. Everything you need to integrate with this API is available below. More data will be added to the portal on an ongoing basis.
API Keys
This API is open to the public and does not currently require any authentication or API keys to access. The FDIC is collaborating with on the issuance and management of an API key. More information will be provided on how to obtain an API key in the near future.
API Definition Files
The following definition files document the structure of the datasets:
- Institution API Definitions (YAML format) - for financial institutions.
- Location API Definitions (YAML format) - for financial institutions locations/branches.
- History API Definitions (YAML format) - for details on structure change events.
- Summary API Definitions (YAML format) - for historic aggregate financial and structure data, subtotaled by year, regarding financial institutions.
- Failure API Definitions (YAML format) - for details on failed financial institutions.
- SOD API Definitions (YAML format) - for details on Summary of Deposits.
- Financial API Definitions (YAML format) - for financial information for financial institutions.
- Demographics Data (YAML format) - for details on demographics.
Queries for Standard Financial Reports
The attached spreadsheet contains API queries for all of our standard financial reports. Use it as a starting point to help you craft your own:
Common Financial Reports (.xlsx spreadsheet)
API Documentation
See interactive documentation available below to provide an overview of the API.
Filter Syntax
The API uses the Elastic Search query string syntax for filtering. Some notes on the filter syntax include:
To match a phrase, use double quotes:
NAME:"First Bank"
To exclude a phrase or value:
The "AND" and "OR" operators can be used to combine filters:
NAME:"First Bank" OR NAME:"Unibank"
Dates must be entered in "yyyy-mm-dd" format:
Ranges can be expressed with "[]" (inclusive) or "{}" (exclusive),
using "*" for an open ended range
Date range that includes 2010-01-01 and 2010-12-31:
DATEUPDT:[2010-01-01 TO 2010-12-31]
Date range that includes only dates between 2010-01-01 and
DATEUPDT:{2010-01-01 TO 2010-12-31}
Number range including institutions with domestic deposits under
10,000 ($thousands)
DEPDOM:[* TO 10000]
Date range that includes 2010-01-01 and 2010-12-31:
Open ended ranges can be expressed using a "*"
DATEUPDT:[2010-01-01 TO *]
Output Formats
Data output is available as JSON or CSV. The format is controlled by
header. See the Responses section in the
interactive documentation below for examples.